Back 2 Love School
Decondition yourself from your past, learn how to love and materialize a love life that makes you vibrate!
The adventure that I propose to you lasts 4 months, takes place in 5 stages, and ends with 2 months of consolidation to sublimate the inner journey, i.e. 6 months to perform a 360° in your love life.
1 ) Clarify
To be clear is to understand our personal history, our tensions, our wounds, our sufferings, our patterns, our why.
4 ) Apply
Application and action, there is nothing like it to realize how far we have come and to emotionally integrate our new love reality.
2 ) Resolve
To resolve is to release these memories and wounds, physically and emotionally, in order to deactivate the painful mechanisms of our unconscious patterns.
3 ) Learn
Love can be learned! It’s not enough to make a clean place in our history: let’s save time by learning the right postures at each stage of the encounter and the relationship.
To train and masterfully lead our love life.
1 ) Clarify
To be clear is to understand our personal history, our tensions, our wounds, our sufferings, our patterns, our why.
2 ) Resolve
To resolve is to release these memories and wounds, physically and emotionally, in order to deactivate the painful mechanisms of our unconscious patterns.
3 ) Learn
Love can be learned! It’s not enough to make a clean place in our history: let’s save time by learning the right postures at each stage of the encounter and the relationship.
4 ) Apply
Application and action, there is nothing like it to realize how far we have come and to emotionally integrate our new love reality.
To train and masterfully lead our love life.
Step 1: Clarify
The Experience begins with… clarifying!
To be clear is to understand our personal history, our tensions, our wounds, our sufferings, our patterns, our why.
We are the sum of the perceptions of our personal history, which, if it is not revealed, made aware and then balanced, impacts our functioning and our daily life in the form of unconscious repetitive patterns, with its share of emotional consequences.
It is therefore essential to unveil and update these perceptions in order to then redirect them in the fairest way for us.
This work of clarification and sorting allows us to understand ourselves and to begin to see ourselves as we are, shaped by the perception of the environment that has been ours and that we have sometimes had the impression of undergoing.
Step 2: Resolve
Then, let’s resolve the maze !
To resolve is to release these memories and wounds, physically and emotionally, in order to deactivate the painful mechanisms of our unconscious patterns.
Everything that touches the unconscious sometimes seems out of reach. In reality, the approach that I have developed in synthesis of my own journey will allow you to become aware of your points of tension and to free yourself from them physically and emotionally. At the end of this experience, my clients naturally changed their outlook and perception. They felt a form of almost instantaneous lightness as well as a deep understanding of how they worked.
Among other things, I use “the birth scenario”, i.e. the story of your arrival on Earth (from 1 year before your birth to 1 year after) to translate in a surprising way the way you perceive and interpret everything what you are going through, as well as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to help you digest and deactivate the wounds brought to light.
Step 3: Learn
Love can be learned !
Love can be learned! It’s not enough to make a clean place in our history: let’s save time by learning the right postures at each stage of the meeting and the relationship.
Through the work of awareness and liberation that you will have accomplished in the first stages of the program and throughout it, you will naturally adopt a fairer and more balanced view of the relationship. Nevertheless, learning in parallel the right postures at each stage of the meeting and the relationship will give you concrete solutions for setting up your new love life, and will save you time to understand what has not worked so far. here and give you all the keys to mastering your love life for good.
Step 4: Apply
Aaaand….ACTION !
There is nothing like application and action to realize how far we have come and to emotionally integrate our new loving reality.
Once freed from our narrow and painful perceptions, it is time to build our new reality, through our encounters! We can now materialize our new love life and thus Be, Express and Share who we are in a more fair and serene way so that everything becomes more fluid and simple, from the meeting to the relationship.
The meetings for singles, and the exchanges for those in a couple, will be the guarantors of your journey and the revealers of the path accomplished and of what still requires some adjustments.
“It is by forging that one becomes a blacksmith, but it is not by drowning that one learns how to swim”
Claude Frisoni
In conclusion, going one step after another, without haste and without wanting to understand everything right away, is the good way to go !
Finally: consolidate
To appropriate and fully embody this new perception and these new feelings
These 2 months of maintenance are included in AMBITIOUS LOVE. And optional for those who feel the desire and the need, it is renewable until you feel solid for the rest of your adventures! In short, it’s tailor-made :), and from experience, this 4+2 format is the most appreciated.
Program content
Here is the Back 2 Love School program over 6 months
You will find in the program all the tools that I can put at your disposal to perform a 360° in your love life.
– 8 one-hour 1:1 coaching sessions (including 2 HUMAN DESIGN sessions for those who wish -> see the section of the same name on this website to find out more)
– 12 workshops/hotlines on essential topics to explore in order to update your love life (sexuality, defining “the right profile”, myths and beliefs, creating your profile on apps, love communication, etc.) i.e. 2 group meetings per month lasting from 1h to 2h. Ah-ah moments guaranteed!
– Private member area with lessons, exercises and visualizations throughout the 6 months. To be done at your own pace.
– Telegram conversation thread to ask your questions and exchange without limit from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and learn from the answers to other people’s questions.
– Connections, exchanges, laughter, sharing and my good tips as a researcher and explorer at heart to give you all my “stuff” of the moment. From better nutrition to better productivity, I am constantly experimenting and I share my nuggets with you in real time.
Do you want to start the experience or simply find out more?